Identifying language resources
Very few, if any, writers approach a serious writing task without access to various aids. Even very experienced writers writing in their native language occasionally feel a need to check the spelling of a word, the distinction between pairs or sets of words which are easily confused, the proper choice of preposition, etc.
Inexperienced writers and writers using a language in which they do not have native-speaker competence require even more tools to ensure that their texts meet the expectations of their intended readers. It is important to identify what kinds of language resources you may need to draw on, and where your potential difficulties in writing lie, at the pre-writing stage. The links below are to the various types of language assistance that AWELU provides.
For a text to be legible, it needs to adhere to certain conventions belonging to the language in which it is written. Writers with poor comprehension of the English language will find it more challenging to produce good texts than writers with higher proficiency. The following pages introduce central aspects of English grammar:
A Swedish perspective
Writers with a Swedish-language background may note that on AWELU, expandable text elements entitled "A Swedish perspective" provide additional information about differences between Swedish and English.
Spelling and punctuation
Just as picking the right word to convey a particular thought or idea is crucial for the message to get through, it is important that the reader's attention stays focused on the content of a text without getting diverted by misspelt words. Similarly, effective use of punctuation often helps the reader follow a line of thought, whereas unconventional or erroneous punctuation may distract the reader. The following AWELU pages may be of use: